About me

My name is Natalia Stangrit.


I love to paint and always wanted to learn how to do it. In 2002 I began to learn watercolor painting by myslef. Furthermore , in 2008 I fell in love with the acrylic painting and since 2009 I have actively been painting acrylic. Since autumn 2009 I have studyed how to draw people in pencil. Also, I am interested in decoration and handmade: painting walls and all sorts of trinkets.


Making photos was a huge part of my live since childhood. First photo camera I received at my 11-th birthday. Since then photography is my avocation. Digital photography gives my very good possibility to open horizons and show my point of view to whole world.


I was born in Uzbekistan in the city of Navoi. I remember the warmth of the city, the sweet taste of peaches and grapes.

When I was 7 years old, my family moved to Lithuania, Visaginas. After the hot deserts of Central Asia, Lithuania admired me pine forests and blue lakes.

After 10 years, I graduated from high school and went to Russia in St. Petersburg. This is a great city with wonderful architecture.

I graduated in Master of St. Petersburg State Technical University and moved to Israel where I live now.


My mail: natalispalette@gmail.com